Tuesday, August 25, 2020
How do the characteristics of the villages Navenby and Dorrington differ?
This is the general inquiry that I need to reply so as to examine the distinctions and likenesses of the two provincial towns: Navenby and Dorrington. To help answer this inquiry I went on a field excursion to Lincolnshire to take notes on the site, circumstance, size, morphology and administrations of Navenby and Dorrington. There are different components in which I can explore to distinguish these variables for my two picked towns. These are: *Land use *Amenities or Services *Comparison of settlement designs *Age of development of settlements *Site *Situation There are five inquiries I have conceived to pose to make a reason for my examination among Navenby and Dorrington: â€Å"How and for what reason do the destinations of Navenby and Dorrington differ?†â€Å"How and for what reason do the circumstances of Navenby and Dorrington differ?†â€Å"How and for what reason does the morphology of Navenby and Dorrington differ?†â€Å"How and for what reason do the populace sizes of Navenby and Dorrington differ?†â€Å"How and for what reason do the degrees of administrations of Navenby and Dorrington differ?†These inquiries are reasonable in assisting with addressing the general inquiry since these things being solicited are for the most part qualities from a town. Empowering to separate them implies that we can take a gander at the towns in much more detail and make notes on things explicitly. Likewise read Driver’s Ed Module Reflection Journal To address addresses one and two I will outline and shading code maps of Navenby and Dorrington to show how administrations, enhancements and land use contrast between the two. The guide will have the option to show the circumstance as it will demonstrate access to assets and offices for instance: access to food assets or a structure and fuel assets. The guide will likewise show the site of the towns as it will appear if the towns are useful for safeguard or for water gracefully or cover, for instance For question three having the option to take note of how the morphology varies between the two towns will show how the towns have created through time and how monetary, social and notable conditions have influenced the towns. Question four will show how populace sizes contrast because of different components. These could be things, for example, availability, land proprietorship design, settlement size or arranging imperatives. This will likewise show what towns are creating and maybe which are diminishing and whether individuals who live there are maybe workers for instance. Question five will show which town is increasingly evolved and which is progressively rustic. Regardless of whether the land has been utilized to get the job done for the individuals who live there and why the land has been utilized the manner in which it has for instance transport courses or industry working to give individuals work. Or then again the land has not been changed at all significance less turns of events and possibly more suburbanites. To have the option to respond to the past inquiry (how do the qualities of the towns of Navenby and Dorrington vary?) I needed to recognize the data that I should gather from visiting the towns Navenby and Dorrington. For the initial two inquiries (how and for what reason does the site and circumstance of Navenby and Dorrington contrast?) I should gather my data from assets, for example, data focuses; investigating the towns themselves and furthermore taking note of whatever relates with the site and circumstances of the towns and afterward to look at them when I return home and review the distinctions. I can likewise utilize an OS map for this inquiry since it will show the circumstance of the towns to assets that are required. For instance water, sanctuary and barrier and so on. For my third inquiry (how and for what reason does the morphology of Navenby and Dorrington vary?) I gathered my data by strolling around the towns again and making notes on how the towns have financially developed or contracted, how socialization has built up the towns or not and how noteworthy conditions have influenced the towns. This should be possible by taking a gander at the sorts and periods of the structures inside the towns. This data is important to my investigations as I will have the option to discover why the towns have become what they are today and what has impacted. The two towns could have had distinctive monetary, social or notable conditions, which would make them be totally different now because of various town morphology. For my fifth inquiry (how and for what reason do the degree of administrations of Navenby and Dorrington contrast?) I gathered my data by utilizing a count diagram. Each time I saw a specific help I added to my count outline. I likewise took a gander at the neighborhood transport course and made a note of different towns it experienced and how regularly it ran. I additionally made note on different administrations, for example, versatility administrations and the quantity of open houses, instructive focuses and places of love. This data is important to my investigation, as it will show which town is increasingly evolved and furthermore which town is all the more monetarily created. I figure this data will be valuable to gather, as it will empower me to gather a similar data for every town making it a reasonable examination. The strategies picked to gather the information were suitable in light of the fact that the notes I made refreshed my memory of what I completely observed when I returned home. Likewise making a count graph was a speedy and straightforward approach to note down the various administrations inside the towns as I could completely review the administrations when I returned home. Making notes on the sorts and times of structures on maps gave made it conceivable to portray the morphology that has occurred after some time. I thought utilizing an OS map was a decent technique for working out the contrasts between the locales and circumstances of the towns as it gives a decent viewpoint of whereabouts certain assets are that are should have been noted to have the option to look at the destinations and circumstances. While gathering my information I encountered a couple of issues. Despite the fact that the climate was acceptable (it wasn't coming down) it was extremely breezy and cold. The breeze continued moving sheets around and now and again somewhat wild. Additionally in light of the fact that it was fairly chilly it got awkward to work and felt rather tedious. In the town of Navenby in light of the fact that it was the biggest town I thought that it was difficult to get around the entire town and gather all the pertinent information in as far as possible we were given. This was anything but something to be thankful for as it could influence the aftereffects of my last work. I likewise thought that it was hard to get all the data I needed. For instance I couldn't get the subtleties I needed on populace size as there was a constrained accessibility to this asset thus I needed to do my own exploration on the towns when I returned home on the Internet. I likewise thought that it was somewhat har d to peruse the guide now and again as a portion of the structures weren't checked thus It was marginally troublesome attempting to make sense of where I was standing and to where certain structures were. â€Å"How and for what reason does the morphology of Navenby and Dorrington differ?†Navenby and Dorrington's territory use is commanded by private land use. Anyway Navenby ‘s private land use is about 75% more than Dorrington's. Different types of land use inside these two towns are instruction focuses, spots of love, graveyards, open houses and open land, for example, farmland and playing fields. â€Å"How and for what reason do the degrees of administrations of Navenby and Dorrington differ?†Both Navenby and Dorrington shift a great deal with regards to administrations. In spite of the fact that the two of them have a portion of similar administrations, for example, a butcher, open house, post office, open phone, town lobby church/sanctuary, a quaint little inn and a blessings and artworks focus Navenby varies a great deal since it has more than 30 administrations while Dorrington just has 17 administrations. The two towns have portable administrations, which incorporate Fish, Library (on Mondays), Bread, Clinic, Milk or dairy deals and a Bank for Navenby and a versatile Bread and Butcher assistance for Dorrington. Chart One Chart Two â€Å"How and for what reason do the destinations and circumstances of Navenby and Dorrington differ?†See sketch maps. From this examination I would have liked to discover how the qualities of Navenby and Dorrington contrast. I have found from my examination that the two towns are totally different and just have not very many likenesses. Site: Navenby is the biggest town and is likewise the best situated all things considered on a scarp slant so it would have been utilized as a post for when the town was enduring an onslaught. The town is additionally not very a long way from a decent wellspring of water. Dorrington then again is a little town in correlation and is likewise in decrease this could be because of the way that it is on level land and it not being close to a decent water source. Circumstance: From my investigations I have discovered that the closer a town is to an enormous town then the bigger the town is probably going to be. Subsequently, on the grounds that Navenby is nearer to Lincoln than Dorrington it is a bigger town. Morphology: I have additionally discovered that the land use in both Navenby and Dorrington is private with little farmland and fundamental administrations, for example, open houses, spots of love and training focuses. Likewise from my examination I have seen that Navenby is a developing town. Because of it being on the fundamental course among Lincoln and Grantham and that it is a decent driving town. Dorrington is in decrease which is perhaps because of it not being a generally excellent driving town has little administrations contrasted with Navenby and its closest huge town is Sleaford as opposed to Lincoln or Grantham. My precision of my information gathered could have been increasingly dependable on the off chance that I had a more extended measure of time to spend in the towns. In the event that I had longer I could have had more opportunity to discover things, for example, private livelihoods, horticulture, populace sizes, development in administrations and so on as these would all influence the development or decrease between the towns.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Making Choices English Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Settling on Choices English - Essay Example Here I am content with him and benefit as much as possible from each second as I have settled on ideal options of time without chances for laments. In this new life, it is still a great deal of difficult work that makes me adapt up to the conditions and necessities of the city life. The way of life and stylish ways of life of American individuals rouses me a great deal to work out designs for a mind-blowing advancement here. My initial life itself had trained me enough exercises to pick admirably and that might be the motivation behind why I figure out how to live better; and that might be the motivation behind why I decided to come to America and get hitched to the man I cherished. I know the way that for some individuals, life shows exercises of existence with serious exploratory introduction to hard and harsh encounters. As you complete one of your courses of your examinations, you feel possibly ready to deal with the circumstances identified with the subject. In any case, there i s something else you will love to adapt either for greatness or for negligible excitement. The way toward picking something continues everlasting as long as we are to live on, yet some of them are significant in our life. I may case, the decision to live in America is the most significant one I have taken up until this point. Some time ago I dreaded the fears of relocating to another nation looking for chances to help my examinations and get a new line of work to cheerfully proceed onward my life. From the studio life I used to live in my locale, it was constantly a fantasy to live in this place that is known for circumstances. The greater part of my colleagues wanted to concentrate in the Philippines itself who didn't think past their constraints to travel abroad. Some of the time I believed I ought to follow their way and proceed with my higher investigations there and settle my life carrying out some responsibility privately got. As I recollect those day now, and when I contrast my current life and the previous days, I recall the statement â€Å"I took the one less went by, And that has made all the difference†from the acclaimed sonnet ‘The Road Not Taken’ by Robert Frost. It was all significant for me to take one route from those left before me; and I picked the uncommon one †travel past the oceans looking for a delightful life. The certainty of a second I had brought me as of recently; and I am certain, I have settled on the right decision as I have a glad life now with all the beauty of the activity I do now close by my investigations. It was an extreme decision, obviously, since I was befuddled as the artist says, â€Å"Oh, I denoted the first for one more day! However realizing how path prompts way I questioned If I should ever come back†(Frost). Each amateur feels bewildered at a condition when he needs to take a way to proceed onward and the disarray stays loathsome till certain purpose of consistency. As far as I ca n tell, I had no choice other than to pick a vocation to win the bread; in this way, I chose to I am glad to state I have dropped out well and met an incredible difficulties which I would have had in the event that I had kept on living in my nation of origin. With regards to my activity and the administration of time I have to apply for keeping up the perfection of the family life, I truly need to buckle down. Addressing the requirements of an upbeat life in America requests quite a bit of you sweat; more often than not, you overlook your yearning in the scramble for timeliness, however it is compensating to be occupied in a city. The fundamental component of living in a city far away from your country with an alternate culture is constantly connected with our exemplary exertion for greatness at work field. One should disregard esteems and independent standards to some expand
Sunday, August 2, 2020
How You Can Prepare to Quit Smoking
How You Can Prepare to Quit Smoking Addiction Nicotine Use How to Quit Smoking Print How You Can Prepare to Quit Smoking By Terry Martin facebook twitter Terry Martin quit smoking after 26 years and is now an advocate for those seeking freedom from nicotine addiction. Learn about our editorial policy Terry Martin Updated on September 25, 2018 Synergee / E+ / Getty Images More in Addiction Nicotine Use How to Quit Smoking After You Quit Nicotine Withdrawal Smoking-Related Diseases The Inside of Cigarettes Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Drug Use Coping and Recovery A little preparation goes a long way when it comes to smoking cessation. It puts you in the drivers seat when you quit smoking and will help you get your mind geared up for the big day. Its a good idea to plan your quit date no more than a week or two ahead of time. Any more than that, and youre likely to lose momentum. An Educated Quit Is a Successful Quit Read everything you can get your hands on about nicotine addiction and what to expect as you heal from it. Also, make use of our busy support community as well, where folks at all stages of recovery are sharing their experiences. From what to expect when you quit smoking, to what smoking does to our health, education is a vital part of a successful quit program. It forces us to take the blinders off. Most smokers navigate around the details of smoking-related dangers whenever possible. Its called smokers denial, and the sooner you start looking at this addiction straight on, the quicker youll be on the road to recovery. Start a Quit Journal A journal is a terrific quit aid. Start it with your list of reasons to quit smoking. Follow it with two more lists: Rewards â€" small rewards for making it through the day smoke-free are a good way to reinforce what you are working hard to do ... and they help offset the instant gratification we all received multiple times each day from lighting up. Simple things like a long, hot bath or having someone else do the cooking can be on this list. Try to make them fun and relaxing/rejuvenating.Craving Busters â€" create a list of activities you can do at a moments notice when the urge to smoke surfaces. The idea is to quickly jolt yourself out of the negative thought pattern that comes with cravings by changing your activity. Five minutes is enough to shake a craving loose and a list of activities helps you take control fast. From there, use your journal to log your daily progress. Make an effort to jot down a couple of sentences about your day before you go to bed each night. Weeks down the road, you may have a bad day when smoking seems to be all you can think about. Looking back in a journal at your first days will give you perspective on your progress and make it easier to not let that bad day get you down. Get a Check-Up Make an appointment with your doctor for a physical and let him/her know that youre going to quit smoking. Its a great time to discuss quit aids and get advice on what product might be best suited for you. Ask your doctor whether you might benefit from a vitamin supplement. Smoking depletes nutrients from our bodies. A multi-vitamin can give you a head start on rebuilding your health and vitality. These simple steps will get you thinking in practical terms about quitting, as well as lining up some tools to help you manage the first days of smoking cessation more easily.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
A Crime Is a Violation of Established Law, but Not All...
A crime is a violation of established law, but not all crimes have a readily identifiable victim. A victimless crime is one where an act that violates an established law is committed, without leaving a victim behind; that is, there is no resulting damage to a person or property. In these cases, there is usually no victim because the illegal activity was consensually entered into. For this reason, victimless crimes are often called consensual crimes. One common example of a victimless crime is prostitution. Offering sexual favors in exchange for money is considered a crime in many places. Both the solicitor and the prostitute can be arrested for violating public decency laws. If, however, both parties are deemed to have committed the†¦show more content†¦A citizen should be allowed to purchase and smoke marijuana legally, for example, because his or her private consumption in a private home does not affect anyone elses personal rights. Decriminalizing certain victimless crimes would reduce the prison population and take significant pressure off an overworked judicial system. A crime is a violation of established law, but not all crimes have a readily identifiable victim. A victimless crime is one where an act that violates an established law is committed, without leaving a victim behind; that is, there is no resulting damage to a person or property. In these cases, there is usually no victim because the illegal activity was consensually entered into. For this reason, victimless crimes are often called consensual crimes. One common example of a victimless crime is prostitution. Offering sexual favors in exchange for money is considered a crime in many places. Both the solicitor and the prostitute can be arrested for violating public decency laws. If, however, both parties are deemed to have committed the illegal act consensually, then neither party may be considered victims in the eyes of the law. While prostitution may contribute to other domestic problems or personal vices, the act itself, if entered into consensually, is usually considered a victimless crime. Another type of victimless crime is drug possession and usage.
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Youths with Depression - 1040 Words
Depression is a psychological disorder that not only gravely affects the state of mind of a person but also the physical body. It is characterised by behavioural changes such as differing intensities of sadness, feelings of hopelessness, low self-worth and loss of interests (â€Å"A Definition of Depression†, 2007, para. 1). Depression is a major problem among youths and the number of occurrences has been growing in recent years. Kuabara, Van Voorhees, Gollan and Alexander (2007) support this claim by citing that youths have the â€Å"highest incidence and cumulative prevalence of depression†and further reiterate that â€Å"the risk of depression in this age group [youths] has increased significantly in the last half century†(para. 1). This is based on†¦show more content†¦1). In order to overcome depression, one needs to seek help. If left untreated, there may be negative impacts on the development of an individual and an increase in the severity of d epression episodes. For now, there is a lack of policies put in place to cater to youths with depression. Fortunately, there are several services that are dedicated in providing help to these troubled youths. Samaritans of Singapore [SOS] is a non-profit organisation that aims to be a helpline for people who need emotional support. According to their website, it is managed by trained volunteers that are on standby at any time of the day to talk to people seeking help. (Samaritans of Singapore, 2010, para. 1-3). This could be used as a channel in which youths with depression express their emotional struggles and receive help or advice from a third person’s point of view. Community Health Assessment Team [CHAT] is another service that aims to help youths with mental health problems â€Å"by raising awareness of youth mental health†¦ providing a free, confidential assessment service and mental health information†(CHAT, 2013, para. 3). Maslow’s hierarchy of needs outlines the essential needs of an individual, which can be categorised into psychological, safety, love and belonging, esteem and self-actualisation needs. One must satisfy the basic psychological needs before moving on to safety needs, so onShow MoreRelatedDepression Essay : The Causes And Effects Of Youth Depression1566 Words  | 7 PagesThe Causes and Effects of Youth Depression Most individuals spend a short downcasted period in their lives, but some individuals experience an extended period of dejection. This may be the cause of depression. Depression is a mental disorder that feeds on the negative self-evaluation of an individual. Eventually the individual is blinded of any positivity in their life by the overwhelming pessimistic views of a situation, continuing the cycle. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
History Paper 1877 †1900 Free Essays
Over the years of 1877 to the 1900’s many changes were occurring. The Southern cities were changing faster than anyone could’ve imagined with new transportation, growing industries, and the end of slavery. Not to mention, the changing role of women. We will write a custom essay sample on History Paper 1877 – 1900 or any similar topic only for you Order Now In the New South by the year 1880, steel and iron mills were progressing across the North. Railroad construction was fast paced in the 1880s. Comparing 1880 to 1890 the tracks had doubled with Texas and Georgia having the biggest growth. In 1886, an agreement was made to have a standardized width on the railroad tracks. This would help create a national transportation system. By creating this, the increasing demand of buying and selling goods would be fulfilled at a faster pace. Also, with this new transportation came new land for families to move into for work. The textile industry was growing significantly also because more people were traveling to the South. With immigrants and Southerners needing a steady form of income entrepreneurs took on the textile business not only to build good relationships with the people of the South but also to be less dependent on capital and manufactured products from the North. Tobacco was also a growing business with Virginia leading in the sales of chewing tobacco across the nation. When the discovery of bright-leaf tobacco was made, tobacco habits were changed into the form of cigarettes by James B. Duke. He had the first cigarette-making machine installed in his plant and by the year 1900, Duke’s tobacco company was controlling eighty percent of tobacco manufacturing in the United States. With these booming industries came low wages. The South experienced a downfall with the rise they were experiencing. Since the workers of the South were poorly paid they could not afford to buy much so the market in the South for manufactured goods was kept low as was the consumer demand. Low wages only brought in immigrants that were low-skilled so skilled laborers were more likely to go north and work complicated machinery to produce high-quality goods. The South had close to no capital reserves to expand leaving Northern financers to purchase the five major rail lines serving the South at a bargain after failing during a depression in the 1870s. Since the South was such a risk to invest in the textile industry stayed small-scale. On the other hand, the South’s largest industry, the lumber industry grew. Since it required little capital and provided unskilled laborers with a job, these raw materials were quickly produced. The tobacco industry unlike the textile industry avoided some turmoil. James B. Duke’s tobacco company was profitable enough to become its own bank. With enough capital to have the latest technologies on his plants, he was fortunate enough to buy out his competitors. In the late nineteenth century women began fighting to improve the status of women, sometimes by joining with men. Because women in the South were left with providing for their families when the South lost the war, some never wanting to depend on men again and others who dealt with Southern men who were shaken by defeat, they were not as motivated to campaign reform and threaten gender role changes. Despite such battles, southern women found opportunities in schools, and stores for example that expanded their social role twenty years after 1880. Women of the South, both black and white of the middle class, played important roles in civic work and reform. These middle class women began performing in activities ranging from lobbying for various causes, taking leadership on plenty of important issues and organizing clubs. Some of the first women’s clubs starting in the 1880s were self-improvement societies that did not care for reform. Women’s clubs grew and by 1890, most towns and cities had several women’s clubs. Some of the club’s and its members even began taking part in political issues. While both black and white women had their clubs, the activities of black women’s clubs were slightly different in comparison to the white women’s clubs. Black women’s clubs looked out for the women and children in their cities, supporting daycare facilities for working mothers and settlement houses in poor black neighborhoods. They also established homes for single black women so that they would not be an easy victim to sexual exploitation. Atlanta’s Neighborhood Union founded playgrounds, a health center and also received a grant to improve black education. These women also worked for woman suffrage. While both groups of women had strong beliefs and motives to speak their minds they rarely communicated with each other. Some white women would even use racial solidarity as a weapon to promote white women’s right to vote. They did this to prove the point that with white men and women’s votes combined they could further white interests. The black generation that came of age in this environment where blacks and whites could maintain cordial relations expected many privileges in society like the right to vote, work and attend school. Among these, they also wanted self-respect, dignity and to be considered equal to the white men and women. White southerners who came of age in this same environment saw blacks as the enemy. They wanted to preserve white purity and dominance. Because the tensions between blacks and whites continued to grow, not only on the view of equality but in jobs as well, violence against black people boomed in the 1890s. Some of these violent crimes included lynching. After two of the unspoken rules had been violated the lynchings started. White men began to see themselves as protectors of the weak, but it more importantly reinforced white solidarity and reminded the blacks that white supremacy ruled the South. When the Fifteenth Amendment guaranteed freedmen the right to vote, poll taxes, literacy test, understanding clause and grandfather clause were all some of the disfranchising legislation that began to prevent blacks from voting. Blacks began moving to cities in the South where they could be somewhat free from white surveillance after feeling like American democracy had hung a â€Å"whites only†sign. Blacks began to create their own rich communities and the businesses and institutions they built during Reconstruction began to grow and some even flourish. By the year 1900, black southerners had less political power than they had before and were far more isolated from white southerners. Despite every obstacle, they were successful in building a comfortable community life and a rising middle class, all while being in a restricted environment. The changes brought over the time frame of 1877 to the 1900’s were the framework for some of the opportunities we have today. The South had plenty going on over the years, from building and trying to keep industries, to men and women moving into the Southern cities with new opportunity that their ancestors did not have and Blacks fighting for their rights when white solidarity was having such a heavy effect on their lifestyles. The South was fast growing but holding itself back with segregation, and black disfranchisement. How to cite History Paper 1877 – 1900, Essay examples
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Kockelman, Paul. Chaper 2 A Mayan Ontology of Po Essays - Pteropus
Kockelman, Paul. "Chaper 2: A Mayan Ontology of Poultry." In The chicken and the quetzal: incommensurate ontologies and portable values in Guatemala's cloud forest, 49-85. Durham: Duke University Press, 2016. Rose, Deborah Bird. "Flying Fox: Kin, Keystone, Kontaminant." Manoa 22, no. 2 (2010): 175-190. Flying Fox Foxes are keystone species Australia Based on findings by Donna Harway "we and others are entangled in knots of species who are co-shaping each other in layers of reciprocating complexity" pg 175 "In the Anthropocene there is no way out of entanglements within multispecies communities. Rather than seeking to erect more impenetrable barriers against others, relational ethics for living and dying in the Anthropocene urge us to assume ever greater mutuality and accountability as intradependent members of the suffering family of life on Earth." Pg 175 Author learns about flying foxes from indigenous people Stories relate foxes to people, similarly to stories about other animals in different areas Co-evolution between flying foxes and Megachiropterans and flowing plants Seed-dispersal agents for these Orchardists see flying foxes as pests that eat their fruit Zero tolerance "this is an us' and them' boundary organized along an either-or axis: it offers no place for co-existence or mutuality" pg 181 Compares the mass murder of flying foxes to be terrorism "The battle against flying foxes has never involved equals and, in its orientation toward extermination, finds affinity with modernity's terrorism. Talk about comparing human and animal lives pg 185 The Chicken and the Quetzal Guatemala Ontology Q'eqchi' people and their relationship with chickens Language Chicken associated with femininity Rooster associated with masculinity Analyzes etymology Looks at ontological placement of chickens in various ways, including etymology, relationships between birds, lexical taxonomies, discursive disruptions Relation between women and chickens, chickens and other animals, and women and other identities Chickens and their parts circulating as items with use value and exchange value Social relations mediated through this "chickens mediated any number of social relations, thereby constituting a medium of exchange in the social economy" pg 66 Chickens slaughtered to feed groups and gods at ceremonies Selfhood Selfhood constituted by a kind of ontological reflexivity These reflexive relations are distinct from and a condition for other modes of self-reflectivity Selfhood can't be understood w/o reference to ontology "Flying Fox: Kin, Keystone, Kontaminant" is a paper written by Deborah Bird Rose in 2010 about the flying fox in Australia. She speaks with indigenous people to learn how flying foxes relate to people and analyzes the newly developed relationship between flying foxes and orchardists, who consider them to be pests. Although flying foxes are a keystone species and extremely important to the health of many ecosystems, because they are a pest to orchardists, we have attacked them with guns, electric nets, explosives, and biological weapons. There "is an us' and them' boundary organized along an either-or axis: it offers no place for co-existence or mutuality" (Rose, 181). Rose even goes as far as to compare our actions towards flying foxes to terrorism. She argues that conflicts like the one between orchardists and flying foxes are unavoidable and that we should "assume ever greater mutuality and accountability as intradependent members of the suffering family of life on Earth" (Rose, 17 5). In "The Chicken and the Quetzal," Paul Kockelman writes about the ontology of chickens among speakers of the Q'eqchi' language. He examines the ontological placement of chickens linguistically and symbolically, economically, and psychologically. This covers etymology, relationships between birds, lexical taxonomies, social relations, attributions of human characteristics to animals, and the relation between children and chicken (Kockelman, 52). The two readings this week are both contemporary pieces published in the past decade, unlike many of our previous readings. Rose writes about the flying fox as it relates to both indigenous people and orchardists, whereas Kockelman describes the ontology of the chicken for Q'eqchi' speakers. Rose argues that we should assume more accountability and try to live alongside other species rather than take an us vs them mentality and remove them from our lives. She mentions the problem of equating animal and human lives. She says that we can address the issue of comparison "without cheapening anyone's life or death" and claims that if we treat human and nonhuman deaths as separate events, we make it impossible to understand "the complexities of anthropogenic deathscapes and have difficulty considering our entangled responsibilities and accountabilities (Rose, 185). I agree that treating human and nonhuman deaths separately
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Be What God Made You essays
Be What God Made You essays Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except all those others that have been tried time to time. Winston Churchill, after being witness to several forms of government, agreed with most free peoples that democracy is the best choice of government. Democratic governments offer its citizens the freedom to conduct their own affairs as they see fit, provided it is within the bounds of the law. Most people see democracys greatest attributes as the philosophy of one ballot, one vote, freedom of speech, and freedom of religion. Admittedly, a democratic government is not perfect, but it is still better than most other forms of government. Democracies embrace British philosopher, John Lokes idea that the leader is allowed to rule by consent of the people. The people are allowed to show their consent by casting ballots. Despite the fiasco behind Election 2000, this system of choosing leaders has proved to be a good one. Part of the appeal of the democratic voting practice is the philosophy of one ballot, one vote and the fact that once the election is over and the votes are counted, the victor is declared without question. People are not allowed to vote more that once per election and elections are not held repeatedly until the results are to the liking of one of the candidates. This was not the case in Germany when Adolf Hitler was vying for power. Hitler forced several elections to be held until the results were in favor of his political party. To help ensure favorable results, people were taken to polling places so they could vote several times for the Nazis. One of the most basic freedoms granted to citizens in a democratic society is the freedom of speech. Not having to fear retribution ...
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
New SAT Prep Guidelines Now That the Old SAT Is Over
New SAT Prep Guidelines Now That the Old SAT Is Over SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Did you hear? The old SAT was given for the final time on January 23rd, 2016. What does that mean for students still studying for the SAT? We'll discuss the implications of the old SAT sunset and what you need to do for new SAT prep! The Transition Timeline In 2014, the makers of the SAT announced that they were going to change the format of the SAT to be much closer to that of the ACT. The transition date of March 2016 was given. This made January 2016 the final official time the old SAT would be given. Now that this date has passed, what should you do? We have two scenarios below, based on whether you've taken the SAT before or not. Find the one that fits your circumstances, and read its guidelines. What If You've Never Taken Any SAT Before? Are you in the class of 2017 or later, and you've never taken the SAT before? The good news it that the choice will be easier for you because you can only register for the new SAT at this point! You don't need to calculate how to best navigatetaking the old SAT vs. the new SAT. We do want to emphasize a few points, some of which is good advice all around. Take the New SAT Earlier, Rather than Later Because the SAT is coming, you might be afraid to take it. You might feel that there's not enough known about the test, or you don't want to be a guinea pig. Thus, you might be tempted to wait a bit before taking the New SAT - maybe take the June exam, or even the September exam.This is the wrong approach. You want to get the most exposure to the test as early as possible. With the uncertainty that comes with the new version of the test, the best way to gain more information about it is to take the new SAT as soon as you can. Firsthand experience gives you data that no tutor and no book can provide. You also know exactly howyouwill react to the new SAT. No more listening to Tim talk about how new SAT Math questions were hard for him or Susan talk about how new SAT Reading questions were confusing for her you'll see exactly how you react. Taking the new SAT sooner rather than laterlets you reduce uncertainty quickly and early. While any dry-run will give you information, it is probably best that you prep at least a little bit before your first new SAT. If you don't prep, your testing experience and score will not reflect your best effort and final performance. You get a lot less useful information from a "no study at all" dry run. Also, in the chance this test is yourbest score, you want that best score to be as high as possible! Another reason to take the new SAT earlier is that you'll get multiple bites at the apple. Since the new SAT is so new, it is likely that minor details in the format, scale, or other areaswill change between the first few administrations. (Conversely, the 10-year-old previous version of theSAT probably didn't change very much in the last fewyears.) If one of these administrations is especially easy or suitable for you, then that's great news because, with superscoring and score choice, only your best score matters. Remember that, with superscoring and score choice, it's better to have more variation in your score, and you'll likely get more variation with the first few tests. Finally, taking the SAT early also lets you retake it in the fall in case you don't like your score. This means you'll have more options for the future. Some might argue there are strategic reasons to take the new SAT later. One is that there will be more prep material out. This is true if you're willing to wait until September, but for those in the class of 2017, that's not a great choice. You have to study during the summer instead of preparing college applications. Also, in case you don't do well, you'll face time pressure for a re-test. If you're trulyafraid of the uncertainty of the new SAT, doing ACT prep is a good idea (see below). However, I believe trying to strategically delay is penny wise, pound foolish. Taking it earlier, studying more, and putting more resources into the new SAT are surefire ways to score higher. Consider the ACT Some of you may still be afraid of the new SAT. What if you're a guineapig while the SAT is trying to figure things out? What if they mess up somehow? What if colleges don't know what to do with the scores? While these are not major concerns, there is one serious option you should consider if you're just uneasy taking the ACT. The ACT has had a proven reputation in its currentformat for many years now. The ACT is also very close in format to the new SAT so there should not be a major loss in preparing forthe ACT format. For those worried about change or the lack of new SAT material, ACT prep can be the way to go. My only advice would be to get started early on this too, so you have the most information as soon as possible. Sometimes changing the test you take can be good. What If You've Taken the SAT Before, But It Was the Old SAT? If you're totally satisfiedwith your score, then great you don't need to do anything else. However, if you want a better SAT score, read on! You're actually in a better position if you've taken the old SAT before. This is because you're getting two bites at the apple now. If you take the new SAT and find it fits your style better, thenyou should keep your new SAT score via superscoring. Likewise, if you take the new SAT and find out you don't do as well, then submit just your old SAT score via superscoring. Because superscoring takes your best test score, having more tests is good, and having different tests is good. The biggest piece of advice is to indeed take the new SAT. (In fact,the new SAT was officially designed to target everyone in theClass of 2017 and later.) Again, the same advice of taking the new SAT early applies to you. By taking it early, you get more information, more bites at the apple (especially when the test is changing the fastest), and you'll maximize your chance of getting the score you want whileleaving summer for applications. Which Test Dates? March, May, June or October? The new SAT will be given in March, May, June and again in October of 2016 which date should you pick? One factor you should definitely note is that it will take a long time for the test makersto grade the new SAT. Usually, the test makerstake less than three weeks to grade the test. For March, the grading time will be more than two months, and for May/June, more than six weeks! This matters for you because you'll have less time to re-test in case of a low score. March scores are predicted to be out early enough that you can register for the June date. You'll likely have aboutthree weeks betweenthe March score release (aroundMay 17th, 2016) andthe June 4th test. Thus, March has some advantage in that you can squeeze in one more test before the fall, but it will be a tight squeeze. Conversely, if you take the May or June test, you will not know yourscore in time to retake it before the fall. Also, keep in mind that, in our data, taking the SAT earlier is correlated with being more determined about the SAT and performing better. It's easy for distracted students and busy parents to turn "I'll study later" to "Oops I guess we didn't have enough time to study!" All three choices, March, May, and June, are substantially superior to October. If you do well before summer, then you're better off because you can spend the summer doing college applications. Putting in enough time on apps is a huge predictor of acceptance chances. If you do poorly, it's still good you took the SATearly: you know what trips you up on the test, and your studying during the summer will be more focused and effective. Conclusion The old SAT is over, and so preppers need to transition to a new study regime. Students who haven't taken the SAT ever before have it easy: they can just pretend there is no transition. For these students, there are advantages to taking it early and before summer. Students who have taken the old SAT should definitely take the new SAT, if possible, to take advantage of the "best of multiple scores" advantage. Read about how to improve your score on your own or try our program: What's Next? Want to get started on your SAT studying? Check out our guide to the best new SAT prep books. Interested in learning more about the new SAT? We have a complete guide to the new SAT that includes everything you need to know about the newly revised exam! Want to takesome practice tests to get a feel for the new SAT? We have free and official practice SAT examsyou can takeright now!
Monday, February 17, 2020
Understand the roles of health disciplines Essay
Understand the roles of health disciplines - Essay Example Interdisciplinary approach refers to a combination of a number of technologies, professions, departments in industry or business. It is a model favored and used to solve some of the complex problems in the modern society. In health care the approach has seen an improvement of patient satisfaction, reduction in costs and morbidity (Allen and Nora, 2006). It also enhances relationships between various professionals in addition to overall satisfaction of the employees. Nevertheless there are a number of challenges including administrative constraints, lack of leadership etc but these difficulties cannot last a life time as efforts to try and educate the people early enough would effectively address these challenges. In order to solve some of the complex problems in the society there have been attempts to forge relationship between the various disciplines (Fleming, 2009). In the past, knowledge was perceived as whole but soon various disciplines started to gain individuality with each claiming to have a particular set of requirements, language and rules. However with time the various professions realize the importance of cooperation primarily to tackle complex problems and situations in the society. A multidisciplinary approach is whereby several disciplines are involved in solving societal problems. The individual disciplines do not lose their distinctiveness. One discipline known as the root discipline incorporates other disciplines to solve a problem. This means perspectives being shared are meant for the service of the root discipline (McGregor, 2004). On the other hand interdisciplinary approach allows for interaction between two or more disciplines. In this approach knowledge is transferre d between disciplines as the group share assumptions and approaches for a better understanding of a problem. The end result is getting solutions to complex problems in society and the enhancement of views and perspectives of the various
Monday, February 3, 2020
Project Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 10
Project Management - Essay Example By doing so, it ensures that the business will continuously work towards achieving a stable production process, which gives some predictable results (Adams, Gupta & Wilson, 2003). Furthermore, the integration of the strategy requires that there is an active participation and commitment of all the members of the organization towards achieving perfection. It helps to seek the commitment of the organization’s top management towards achieving quality products. Integrating the Six Sigma strategy also serves to ensure that a business organization’s leadership makes decisions based on verifiable information, other than assumptions (Keller, 2001). In the Six Sigma process, project management skills are important. The necessity for such skills is to ensure that those individuals involved in the project are in a position to set the vision and the target of the Six Sigma strategy. Project management skills also ensures that those individuals take a leadership role and assists the other stakeholders in consistently applying this strategy in their functional departments, so that the whole organization can move together towards achieving the set targets (Tennant, 2001). Project plans under the Six Sigma strategy provide details about how the project will be accomplished. Such details includes: Process time reduction, controlling spending, forecasting with accuracy, risks avoidance, eliminating errors in design and lowering employee absenteeism. The importance of such planning details is to ensure there is consistency in the whole process to achieve the best products and eliminate all chances that may bring failures or defects (Keller, 2001). In my project, I will study which subjects are performed better at the University, between the science and the humanity categories. Through my research, I want to find out the answers to the following questions; What is the nature
Sunday, January 26, 2020
A view on cumulative satisfaction
A view on cumulative satisfaction Whether in doing business or as an end user of a product or service we tend to realise the importance of value for money. Consumers look for products or services of good quality for the price that they are willing to pay. This pursuit of value is the basis of their perceived satisfaction. Customer satisfaction plays a vital role in deciding value. The overall purpose of this article is to identify the importance of customer satisfaction for organizations and most essentially when and why cumulative satisfaction is important for businesses today. It is vital to make sure that the customers are happy and to view customer satisfaction as a main key to organisational success. Quality of a product or service is a means to an end. Customers perception of a products quality is part of a customers assessment of value and satisfaction. What is Customer Satisfaction? In todays competitive business environment, Organisations thrive to become the market leaders in their respective fields to gain profits. Customer satisfaction is seen as the key to any companys competitive advantage and profitability. It is the overall customer attitude towards a product or a service provider, or the reaction to the difference between what the consumer expects and what they receive, in order to fulfil a need or desire. Customer satisfaction is a highly personal assessment that is affected by customer expectations and is also based on the customers experience with a service or a product, idea, personnel. Imagine going to a reputable shopping venue in Sri Lanka such as Odel, where the atmosphere is excellent for shopping. Renowned for quality products ranging from clothes to jewellery and also provides various facilities such as handy ATMs, telecommunication, cafes where customers can sit and relax after shopping, the play area for children with adult supervision, and the efficient staff who are willing to help all their customers with a smile. In such a place, the overall experience that a consumer gains is what creates value for customers. This value creation adds to the overall satisfaction of the customer. The atmosphere at Odel and the quality products along with the services would affect the customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction and its effect on Organizational profitability Businesses focus on Customer satisfaction mainly to increase their customer loyalty; this generates repeat purchases, thereby increasing their revenue, and importantly helps them to survive among the intense competition. Exemplary organisations focus on how to give their customers a positive experience in order to gain their trust and loyalty because the purchasing behaviour of loyal customers creates higher organisational revenue and reduces the cost of doing business. Satisfied customers will often refer the business to their family and friends which will create positive word of mouth, attract new customers and minimise the costs of advertising. When customers are highly satisfied they are less likely to switch to other service providers. For example a loyal customer of HSBC who is been given recognition for being a HSBC card holder for a long period will be treated exceptionally by the bank, providing him with premium rates, special bonus packages, and therefore this satisfied customer will not want to switch to another bank. Although attracting new customers is important it also can be costly, but serving current customers who are well satisfied with the business and its service can be rather cost efficient. Moreover, highly satisfied customers are less price-conscious because they are brand loyal and will pay a premium price for a product or service. Therefore having satisfied loyal customers will most certainly have a direct impact on profit. This is why successful businesses focus on customer satisfaction. Change in the perception of customer satisfaction through time There was a time when customers were less demanding and less vocal if they were less satisfied with a product or service. This is not that time. In the modern business context customers are becoming more demanding and less tolerant and with a combined increase in expectations, they are ever more concerned with their satisfaction and look for recognition and respect from these service providers. Customers have more power and therefore demand much more than just the product or service. Today, customers are looking for that extra value added full package as opposed to just the product or service. It is the basis of their customer satisfaction. So when is customer satisfaction most important for businesses? The answer is now. It has never been more vital. Cumulative satisfaction and its impact on business Overall satisfaction is not based on a single experience, but rather a chain of positive experiences bringing about a cumulative sense of satisfaction. The perceived value at the pre-purchase stage is short lived, however it sometimes transforms into satisfaction in the post-purchase stage. This post-purchase satisfaction results in repurchases and leads to greater trust and customer loyalty which is a result of cumulative customer satisfaction. A product has five key components such as goods, services, experiences, ideas, and people. Quality should be embedded in all of these components which ultimately creates value, when what is been received is evaluated against what is been offered leading to transactional satisfaction or results of one off exchanges. If a consumer is satisfied with a particular experience, that will eventually lead to cumulative satisfaction where the consumer engages in multiple experiences. Cumulative satisfaction is a psychological state, which leads to a deep sense of trust towards the product or service. This trust will be embedded in the customers mind and therefore will not think twice about purchasing the product or service. For instance, when a customer goes into a groceries super market such as Cargills food city, they reach first for the reputed brands in which they lay their trust. For instance if a customer has been using Colgate toothpaste for the past five years and trusts the brand through experience, thereby he will undeniably select and purchase that particular brand among many other toothpaste brands. This unconscious loyalty stems from countless positive experiences associated with the particular brand. This is what most businesses are looking for. Cumulative satisfaction; as the basis of customer relations In an increasingly impersonal world, customers look for personalized service. Since customer satisfaction varies depending on the individual, it is essential that businesses tailor their services for the customers subjective needs. This is where building customer relationships begin. Since cumulative customer satisfaction leads to loyalty and trust, it is plausible to state that customer relations stems from customer satisfaction. Giving a one-on-one service will enhance the customer experience providing greater cumulative satisfaction. Customers therefore will revisit the business and thus strengthen the relationship between the customer and business. For instance consider salon, Ramani. It is a reputed and leading salon in Colombo. They pay attention to detail, whiles giving an additional touch to the whole salon experience by providing not only a tranquil environment but also a calming beverage. Most importantly, they give a tailored service to each customer. Therefore a relationship is built between the customer and their stylist. This is further strengthened through regular visits and revisits. It is clear that customer relations are rooted by cumulative satisfaction. Due to years of experience and satisfaction, a relationship is built between the customer and her stylist. Furthermore, it should be noted that any decision made to remain loyal to the product or service or move to a competitor is based on prior experience and is positively correlated with the duration of the relationship throughout which the customer has been satisfied. Therefore businesses should consider the longer the relationship between the customer and service provider, the less probability of losing that customer to a rival business. Ways that businesses can improve customer relations In order to improve the cumulative satisfaction levels of customers, service providers should continue to aim at delivering good quality services and products in order to improve the total product value and to build profitable relationships based on cumulative satisfaction. Keeping the consumer happy should be their main goal, to retain the customers loyal and satisfied, businesses should delight their customers and give due recognition to their loyalty, for instance profitable customers should be given special treatment such as special bonuses, loyalty cards, special discounts. Some service providers go to the extent of keeping track of their customers birthdays and send cards for these special occasions, this is in order to maintain a healthy relationship with their customer base. The famous Ritz-Carlton hotel keeps a record of all their guests favourite snack, chocolate, which is entered into a computerized tracking system so that when the guest returns to any of their worldwide hotels these items, will be offered to the guest to make them feel special. Creating cumulative satisfaction does not always have to be done in a huge scale but making the customers feel special while providing value for their money is what should be done, giving customised products and service, having good and efficient employees to fulfil every customers needs, anticipate their needs before the competitors take action, asking customers about their needs, getting feedback in order to avoid any defects.. As small and medium organisations, you should keep in mind how cumulative satisfaction can lead to Organisational success and profitability. It is of paramount importance to build and maintain relationships with your consumers that will eventually lead to customer loyalty and trust.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Constantine vs Ashoka
Tamika Wright Constantine vs. Ashoka World Civilization: Jackson State University Dr. Susan S Maneck When reviewing the histories of the religions of Christianity and Buddhism, you can not help but come across the names of Ashoka and Constantine the Great. Even though Ashoka and Constantine aided in the spread of their empires and respective religions they had different reasons for doing so. Constantine, the son of a Roman Army officer was trained as a solider early on in his life. While he was growing up the role of emperor changed hands many times.Until and Roman general name Diocletian seized the throne During the leadership of Diocletian, he made a reform where he appointed Maximian, as a co emperor and two others co-rulers who became known as the Caesares. One of the Casesares was Constantius, Constantine the Great’s father, to a section of the empire that he divided into four territories. The rules of this new division of land came to be called the Tertiary. With this ne w older of power, the Roman Empire became stable again. Although many years had passed since Diocletian came to rein, he still had one problem that he had not dealt with.He somewhat despised that Christian population of the empire because they would not worship that Roman Emperor as a divine figure. This was a major issue for Diocletian because the Christian population had been steadily growing and if they started to outnumber those who worshipped the emperor as a godly figure then that would put a damper on the Tertiary’s leadership. Also, the Christians would not declare their loyalty to the state through sacrifices, taxation or imperial service. To fix this dilemma, Diocletian proclaimed that any person that worshipped the Christian faith was an enemy of state.He ordered his subordinates to persecute bishops and priests trying to compel the Christians to become loyal to him. Many Christians stood their grounds, refusing to surrender regardless the ruthless acts of Diocleti an and his subordinates. This battle went on until Diocletian died. Soon after the death of Diocletian, Constantius followed thereafter. Because he had become a skilled fighter, the soldiers under Constantius’s rule awarded Constantine the role of their new leader. Constantine lead them to many victories, one in particular, the battle of Milan Bridge.After the battle of Milan Bridges, there was only one enemy left name Licinius. Because of Constantines’s victory against Maxenius at the Battle of Milan Bridge, Licinius decided to accept Constantine as authority and ended the long fought war. The only thing left for Constantine to deal with was the Christian population of his empire. My opinion is that he basically said you cannot beat them join them. According to an artivle I found, â€Å"In 313, Constantine releases an edict for Milan that shocked the Roman world, The Edict of Milan stipulated that henceforth, all religions, including Christianity, would be tolerated by Roman authorities. By doing this, Constantine put himself in a position where he was well liked by the majority of the population. True enough they would not worship him as a god but by accepting their beliefs it gave him another type of power. It was basically like the saying you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. Constantine stopped the killing of Christians started by previous leadership, which made the Christian community grateful. This also put them in Constantine’s corner. So from then on, they mostly agreed with anything he wanted to do.He built on the organization of the empire government by mimicking the chain of power in the Christian leadership. He also assigned some of the positions of leadership in the empire to bishops and priests of the Christian Religion because they already understood how to lead and how important a chain of command is to a thriving culture. By doing this would also increase his political control. He exempted the Bishops and ma ny of the churches from imperial taxation. He also pushed the Christian community to come up with one centralized idea of what a Christian is and rules they should live by.Now Ashoka on the other hand, unlike Constantine The Great, did not agree with war at all. He saw war as a waste of time and resources. â€Å"According to his own accounts, Ashoka conquered the Kalinga country in the eighth year of his reign. The sufferings that the war inflicted on the defeated people moved him to such remorse that he renounced armed conquests. It was at this time that he came in touch with Buddhism and adopted it. Under its influences and prompted by his own dynamic temperament, he resolved to live according to and preach the dharma. Ashoka used his power as ruler to spread the teachings of Buddhism by word of mouth. He also wrote some of them down. In my view or opinion, Ashoka was very sincere when it came to the acceptance and spread of the Buddhism religion. He did not necessarily want the power, but he used it in a way that bettered the people he was appointed to control. â€Å"Ashoka Repeatedly declared that he understood dharma to be the energetic practice, of the sociomoral virtues of honestly, truthfulness, compassion.Mercifulness, benevolence, considerate behavior toward all, â€Å"little sin and many good deeds, â€Å" nonextravagance, nonaxquistiveness, and noninjury to animals. : â€Å" He spoke of no particular mode of religious creed or worship, nor of any philosophical doctrines, He spoke of Buddhism only to his coreligionists and not to others. : Like Constantine, Ashoka used the priests and highly appointed people to help him build the empire and the spread of the religion. They both also aiding in the building of hospitals and roads.Ashoka was well liked and remembered because of his leadership and his many writings like the quote; â€Å"All men are my children. As for my own children I desire that they may be provided with all the welfare and happ iness of the worlds and of the next, so do I desire for all men as well. †In conclusive resolution, Ashoka and Constantine are very much similar in which they are very strong leaders who were typically well liked by the people they ruled, their empires thrived with the growth of the religion but in some ways they differ like I believe that Ashoka was more sincere in his belief in Buddhism.Whereas, Constantine I think used the Christian religion to advance his position of power. By tolerating Christianity, he gained the trust of the majority of the population of his empire. So this made them, the people who practiced Christianity like him. There for in a way they still did what he wanted them to do without technically forcing them to do it. It like when you ask someone to do something rather than forcing them or demanding them they are more likely to do what you asked. 1
Thursday, January 9, 2020
A Brief Biography Of Salvador Dali - 1712 Words
On May 11, 1904 in Figueres, Spain, a boy named Salvador Dalà was born. People today know him as a famous painter who symbolized surrealism. Throughout his life, the experiences that he confronted within his journey set him on the path of success. The way his family raised him and supported his craft, joining the surrealist movement and even the people he had in his life helped shaped the man he was and how he acted until his death. After Dalà ’s forced retirement, on January 23, 1989 at the age of 85, Dalà passed away due to heart failure. Dalà was the second born of three into the family of Salvador and Felipa Dome Dalà . However, he grew up as the first born due to his older brother dying due to gastroenteritis. Even though he was†¦show more content†¦It was during this time when he was introduced to the style of Surrealism. Then in 1929 he met Diakonova, also known as â€Å"Gala†, who turned out to become his wife in 1934. Even though Freud’s theory is considered to be eccentric and outdated in today’s society. However, some parts of his theory still hold true in the present and to people’s lives. One of Freud’s components of this theory was the Oedipus complex and castration anxiety. The Oedipus complex is the unconscious desire to have the mother and get rid of the father. It is during this complex when castration anxiety occurs within the son and the superego starts to develop. Castration anxiety is the fear that his penis will be cut off by the father. Dalà ’s father was a notary who held political and social power, not only within his job but also within the family dynamic as well. Dalà ’s father had such a bad temper that Dalà was afraid of him and sought comfort from his mother. Because of this, he and his father competed for his mother’s attention and love. Another example in Dalà ’s life of the Oedipus complex is the way his mom and dad treated him. Before Dalà was born, his parents had another son and named him Salvador Dalà . Yet, he died during infancy and nine months later they had another son and named him Salvador Dalà as well. Throughout his childhood, his parents treated him like he was the son they had lost. An example Dalà has talked about is when he was 5 years old, his parent took him to his brother’sShow MoreRelatedMona Lisa and Last Supper3080 Words  | 13 Pagesfew other works of art are as romanticized, celebrated, or reproduced. The painting shows a woman looking out at the viewer with what is described as an enigmatic smile. Title of the painting The title Mona Lisa stems from the Giorgio Vasari biography of Leonardo da Vinci, published 31 years after Leonardos death. In it, he identified the sitter as Lisa, the wife of wealthy Florentine businessman Francesco del Giocondo. Mona is a common Italian contraction of madonna, meaning my lady, the
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Deepwater Horizon Was An Offshore Drilling Rig - 966 Words
Deepwater Horizon was an offshore drilling rig built in 2001 in South Korea by Hyundai Heavy Industries. In September 2009, the rig drilled the deepest oil well in history with a vertical depth of 35,050 feet. An unplanned flow of well fluids into the wellbore can be dangerous as it could cause a blowout which would then cause a fire. In order to prevent this, driller’s pump a drilling mud into the well, creating a barrier between the undersea oil and gas and the rig. The safety of the drilling crew relies on a piece of equipment placed on the top of the sea floor called the blowout preventer. This is essential for controlling the well and in an emergency situation preventing a disaster on the platform high above on the sea surface. The blowout preventer is connected to the rig by a large diameter pipe called a riser. If a blowout occurs the blowout preventer is designed to prevent flammable oil and gas travelling up the drilling rig. At 8:45pm on April 20th 2010 a blowout occurred in the well. Oil and gas entered the wellbore undetected, eventually passing above the blowout preventer. Quickly it made its way up the riser towards the Deepwater Horizon and the 126 people on board. Just after 9:40 pm, drilling mud forced upwards by the rising oil and gas suddenly blew out on the rig. Crew members responded by closing the upper annular preventer. This did not work. They then tried to close a pipe ram. This successfully closed the annular space and sealed the well but thisShow MoreRelatedCurrent Ethical Issues on Oil Spill1482 Words  | 6 Pagesmind, offshore drilling can be a viable option for satiating the need of oil and also to boost the economy of the nation. 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